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Exploring the Pros and Cons of E-Tendering in the Business World

Exploring the Pros and Cons of E-Tendering in the Business World 
The procurement process is experiencing a significant transition in our rapidly changing digital environment. The introduction of electronic tendering, or e-tendering, is one such advancement. This innovative method of procurement uses technology to improve efficiency and transparency by streamlining the tendering process. Even though the majority of suppliers and procurers went via a manual, human-driven procedure, the conversations were nonetheless remote and digital. Procurement has essentially been an analogue system managed digitally for the last 10 years. But that framework is being fundamentally changed by automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI)—it's like going from an auction block to a laptop. It's called electronic tendering, or e-tendering, and it's completely changing how companies manage their procurement cycle. 
E-tendering, or electronic tendering, is the process of automatically requesting bid tenders and evaluating suppliers utilizing online procurement (eProcurement) systems. E-tendering is an essential part of the procurement process since it makes S2P operations easier and provides more information. Bid solicitation, bidder offers submitted in response to formal buyer requirements, document exchange, and assessment of bids from selected potential vendors are all included in paperless e-tendering. Following the preparation and approval of a formal requirements document by the buyer (e-informing) and the pre-qualification or short-listing of certain vendors (e-sourcing), the digital e-procurement process moves onto the e-tendering stage. 
Pros of e-tendering: 
Better cost and perspectives- One of the main advantages of e-tendering is the reduction of labour and material expenses related to analogue procurement. Instead of individually reviewing each proposal separately, you may quickly determine each bidder's relative strengths in comparison to the others by evaluating each vendor on their merits inside a closed-loop ecosystem. 
Increased Transparency- In order to comply with regulatory requirements, every piece of paperwork is either housed locally following purchase or is kept permanently within the digital framework. Keeping records via e-tender or online tender platforms also helps prevent and address vendor fraud when it does happen, even if it is rare. 
Equality and Fair competition- With traditional tenders, elements like design flair might excessively affect the result; however, with an e-tender, the standardized process guarantees that every answer is evaluated particularly and only about the predetermined award criteria. Furthermore, by using the in-portal messaging features, you may ask questions of the appropriate person directly. Your questions are answered through the portal as well, increasing process transparency. 
Smart Online Facilities- In conventional tenders, factors such as design flair might unduly influence the outcome; in an e-tender, on the other hand, the standardized procedure ensures that each response is assessed specifically and solely about the predefined award criteria. Additionally, you may ask the right individual questions directly by utilizing the in-portal chat options. Additionally, the site provides answers to your inquiries, enhancing process transparency. 
Deeper Data Insight- Big data is another popular buzzword that's now in the industry. A company's ability to utilize insight to make well-informed decisions increases with the amount of information it has about any particular customer, process, or system. Access to a plethora of metrics and data that would be hard to manage and use manually is one of the main advantages of e-tendering. 
Better Quality Vendors- Having a pool of better-quality vendors is a significant competitive advantage as procurement is fundamentally all about sourcing, vendors, and suppliers. This pool of suppliers must still submit proposals using the e-tendering platform, but the contract's quality is almost assured. 
Increased ROI- e-tenders will unavoidably boost ROI if they have a group of high-quality and efficient suppliers that can enhance product quality and turnaround times. The overhead of your procurement department will decrease as you enter the digital era. 
Cons of e-tendering: 
Complicated and Confusing Process- The e-tenders can occasionally be quite complicated and perplexing, and the questions can frequently seem jumbled and poorly written, which further disrupts the final submission's flow. Inexperienced bidders may be discouraged from participating in the tendering process entirely if they have trouble accessing the portal. 
Learning curve- Even while digital natives will find the majority of procurement platforms that offer e-tender or electronic tender services to be user-friendly and simple, you will still need to onboard staff members to make sure they are utilizing the system and service to its maximum potential. 
Increased upfront work for suppliers- Pre-screening paperwork and document submission may require more effort from vendors than would otherwise be anticipated, contingent on the buyer's criteria. 
Special bid restrictions- In addition to a standard fixed-price bid, some vendors provide creative pricing schemes. Because it is difficult to compare this price opportunity to that of other bidders, e-tendering systems might not be able to help in these situations. 
Other Cons are- The cost of staff training for new e-procurement systems and increased rivalry among suppliers. Suppliers have to follow specific instructions step by step. Potential sellers' incapacity to completely convey aspects that differentiate them. E-tendering for a business opportunity is being delayed due to system outages or faults. Pricing innovation may be prohibited by the bidding process. 

While e-tendering has been around for a while, substantial breakthroughs in automation and artificial intelligence have occurred during the previous two years. With e-tendering, buyers and sellers may benefit from the best offer that meets their objectives while avoiding some of the challenges associated with historical procurement.  
Using e-tender systems, in particular, helps government contractors deal with the growing burden of bureaucratic and regulatory requirements. E-tendering systems pre-screen in accordance with the buyer's specifications rather than going through mountains of bidder documents to verify eligibility before evaluating the offer. Buyers can also feel secure in the knowledge that they have an easily accessible and transparent paper trail because all paperwork is hosted indefinitely (provided that the platform guarantees this). 
In case of any query regarding Exploring the Pros and Cons of E-Tendering in the Business World, feel free to connect with our legal experts Tulja Legal at?+91 96380-69905 
About the Author
Anju S Nair 
Legal Researcher | LLB, MA English| Corporate Lawyer | Business Enthusiast | Founder & CEO at iLawbook.